Rabu, 24 Desember 2008
Selasa, 09 Desember 2008
All remaining memory
I have no idea of why these all happened to me, I feels pain taste which ill so very in this myself, now me only can see it is in the distance and only in my memory can embrace it is feeling happiness although in my day-dream only.
Does she understand do which during the time I feel, actually me do not wish isn't it these all happened. But this is destiny. Destiny cannot in assays again, and I should be able to toughly receive all indium destinies. Even I am my taste am pain losing of her, but I am taste she will never feel all does I feel. I know she will not return again in my life. But I am sure there will be something again which able to make I to forget her.
Cheerio my motor affectionately, I would always is longing for you.
Rabu, 03 Desember 2008
Selected Love Quote
Love is friendship plus sex and minus reason
This love is nothing. To be loved is something
To love and be loved is everything
You may only be one person to the world
But you may also be the world to one person
You know when you love someone when you want them to
Even if their happiness means that you’re not part of it
If you love someone tell them,
Don’t wait or else you will lose the chance?
To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken
Because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing
Don’t marry a person you can live with,
Marry somebody you can’t live without.
Friendship often ends in love,
But love in friendship- never.
When loving someone, never regret what you do
Only regret what you didn’t do.
Love will die if held too tightly
Love will fly if held too lightly
A man falls in love through his eyes,
A woman through her ears.
Love is like standing in the wet cement.
The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave
And you can never go without leaving your shoes behind
The perfect marriage begins when each partner believes
They got better than they deserve.
Kindness in words creates confidence
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness
Kindness in giving creates love
Rabu, 26 November 2008
I am not perfect human
I easy to be tired
Tired with everything that sickening
Tired with behavior of all people
Every person who pretend becomes angel in life me
Sees their behavior!!
Smiles with sword in his behind
That ready stabs me any time when I am careless
And I
I only can look on it is in the distance
Without can do whatever
I am tired would these all
I wish to meet your
To submit all my sorrows
I am tired, very tired
Please assist me to be egoist
Like other people
I wish them to know that this thing to hurt
Sometimes I think for to be one person that not involves with everything about them
But this is not me
I only can weep when altogether do not work well
And laughs when moment is required
But it all is lie
Altogether forces me to come up perfection
Do not they have ever thought?
That every thing not happens like the suppose to be
I wish to go away from these all
Not because do not wish to feel pain again
But because I am hateful all of you
Selasa, 18 November 2008

There’s miracle called friendship
That’s dwells in the heart
You don’t know how it happens
Or when it gets its start
But you know the special life
It always brings
And you realize that friendship
God is most precious gift
It is National friendship week
Friends are very rare jewels indeed
They make you smile and encourage you to succeed
They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they
Always want to open their hearts to us
Show your friends how much you care
Send this to everyone you consider a friend
If it comes back to you, then you will know you have a friend for life
Send disk to everyone whom you consider a friend, even the person who sent this to you
Show your friends how much you appreciate them and what they mean to you
My friends, you are the best friend for me
Selasa, 11 November 2008
Naive anf Falsehood in my life
Like this my life, but my heart so after suffering.
Selasa, 04 November 2008
My Puisi
All my ways she wove of light,
Wove them all alive,
Made them warm and beauty bright...
So the trembling ambient air
Clothes the golden water where
The pearl fishers dive.
When she wept and begged a kiss
Very close I'd hold her,
And I know so well in this
Fine fierce joy of memory
She was very young like me
Though half an aeon older.
Once she kissed me very long,
Tiptoed out the door,
Left me, took her light along,
Faded as a music fades...
Then I saw the changing shades,
Color-blind no more
So If You Love Me
So if you love me you will tolerant
Be of the nature that is with me sent.
I cannot be a different thing although
For your sake, to win you, I would grow
Wings and shed thorns,
Be weed, or newly born,
Anything so to please you,
But I'm myself and cannot ease you.
Come kindly to me then, forgiveness use,
Do not heap on my patent-wrongs abuse,
For your sake I'd be different but am not,
For your sake I'd have other needs forgot,
But I am one
And they are of the sum
Of me, and will not set me free
From my desires, which still follow me.
Oh choose, and choose me wholly, so we be
All of imperfectness, but summary.
Be sum, no fraction, though a fraction may
Marvelous wonder easily convey,
Yet it's but part
And may not be the heart,
The whole is all of us, if we use not
All strata, love's geology's forgot.
Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008
LOVE - When liver ticks every you to hear it
PASSION - When blood boils every you to pay attention to it
MARRIES - When purse always empty when you sees it
LOVE - When song in radio depicts all your feeling
PASSION - When song in radio explains how to
MARRIES - When You feel there are whoop it up radio beside you
LOVE - When split-ups have never been passed by quickly in your marrow
PASSION - When married have never been passed by quickly in your marrow
MARRIES - When soon pass day always at your marrow
LOVE - When You are proud seen is both where only
PASSION - When You only wish to see your couple are naked
MARRIES - When You have never is each other see in when morning similar
LOVED - When your attention only feeling of your couple
PASSION - When your attention only room with mirror everywhere
MARRIES - When your attention remains is event of TV this evening
LOVE - When You are each other write love poem
PASSION - When You are each other write telephone number
MARRIED - When which you wrote only cheque
LOVED - When You phones just for telling " Hi"
PASSION - When You phones to order room chamber in hotel
MARRIES - When You phone for is each other blame
LOVE - When You are each other share any kind of owned
PASSION - When You steals any kind of owned together
MARRIES - When finally bank has any kind of which you are both owned
LOVE - When two eyes is each other related in bustle
PASSION - When two lips is each other related in bustle
MARRIES - When You try run from your couple in bustle
Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008
Allah Know
allah know how hard you have tried
When you hade cried so long and your heart in anguish
allah has counted yours tears
when you feel that you live is on hold and time has possed you by
allah is waiting is you
when you are lonely and you friends are to busy even for a phone call
allah is by your side
When you have tried everythink and dont know where to turn
allah has a solution
When nothing makes sense and you are confused or frustated
allah has the answer
When suddenly your life is brighter and you find traces of hope
allah has whispered to you
When things are going well and you have much to be thankful for
Allah has blessed you
When somethink joyful happens and you are filled with awe
Allah has smiled upon you
When you have a purpose to fulfill and a dream to follow
Allah has opened your eyes and called by name
Remember that wherever you are or whatever you are facing
Allah Know !!!!
Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008
In All My Life
In all my life
I never thought
for a second or a minute
in my life I would find you....
In all my life
That someone as wonderful
as you would be a part of my
life sharing not only my laughter
and my tears and even my fears.....
In all my life
I searched and searched
yet never found what I was looking for
Till I found you....
In all my life
I have never known
someone like you who
makes me feel so complete
in everyway.....
In all my life
Never have I felt such a
wonderful feeling inside my
heart like I feel when I am
with you.....
In all my life
may I never know these
feelings for anyone like
I feel for you.....
For in all my life
there is only one you
and one me and together
is what we will always be.....